Virtual Rash Treatment for Children

Our board-certified pediatricians can treat your child’s rash with a $0 visit cost.

Bumpy, red, itchy skin. All signs that your child is suffering from some type of skin rash. Skin rashes are common in children, and the cause may be one of many different conditions and circumstances. With our Pediatric Telemedicine Services, you know for sure what your child is suffering from so you can have peace of mind, and we can help them get better.


Most rashes are not a huge cause for concern in children and will resolve on their own with time and proper care. However, if you see more severe symptoms in your child, we can provide the exact treatment they need. They can see an online kid’s doctor from anywhere when it is convenient for your schedule.

Common Skin Conditions in Children

To treat a rash at home or for a board-certified pediatrician to treat your child’s inflammation, you need to identify the condition that is causing it. Your child can receive a specialized treatment plan to diminish their symptoms when the kid doctor can target the illness. There are several different types of common skin conditions your child may have that are causing their rash.

First is atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, which has symptoms that include a red appearance and itchy bumps that flare up periodically. It is not contagious, but it can be itchy, painful, and uncomfortable. Predominantly affecting children, you can treat your child with moisturizers to reduce flare-ups and topical creams to reduce itching and swelling.

Contact dermatitis produces red, itchy bumps on the skin, like eczema, and is a skin condition your child may have. Thankfully, it is not chronic and does not flare up on its own. The condition is an allergic reaction that appears when the skin comes in contact with the allergen. For example, a poison ivy rash is considered contact dermatitis. 

Other allergens, such as lotion, perfume, and soap fragrances, as well as jewelry materials, may cause a dermatological reaction. These are typically treated by cleaning the area, removing the irritating substance, and allowing the skin to repair itself. For itching, you may apply cream to reduce symptoms. 

Insect bites and stings from critters may cause a rash in children and are easily identifiable by skin surface visibility. Some bites may not be cause for concern, such as from a mosquito or harmless ant. However, others, such as from a spider, fire-ant, poisonous snake, or rodent, can be severe and require medical attention.

If your child receives a bite or sting from an animal that you know is not a poisonous or severe danger, you may still be able to treat the condition at home. You will see if the condition is worsening by drawing a circle around the infected area. If so, you should seek medical care.

You should seek emergency treatment immediately if a poisonous animal bites or stings your child or if your child is highly allergic to the host.

Anatomic pathologists consider many infectious diseases to be common childhood skin conditions that may cause a rash. These conditions are viruses that spread from person to person and are contagious. 

While chickenpox and measles are less common in recent times due to available vaccines, they have not been eradicated. They may appear in those with compromised immune systems or babies and adults who are not vaccinated. You can treat these conditions in your children by lessening symptoms and following a board-certified pediatrician’s medical advice.

How to Treat Rash at Home

For your child’s non-severe rashes, you can safely treat them at home by following these practical steps.


Determine the Cause

Sometimes it is quite easy to determine the root cause of a virus. For instance, your child may have spent the afternoon playing in a woodsy area which would indicate possible poison ivy, or perhaps they were stung by a bee and are having an allergic reaction. It is essential to narrow down the cause of a rash to know the best course of treatment.

The underlying cause of a rash will alert you to the severity of the condition. Many rashes are treatable at home and will resolve within a few days. Other conditions may be the beginnings of a skin disorder, such as eczema, that requires medication for treatment. Similarly, life-threatening conditions such as a spider or snake bite need immediate medical intervention.


Clean the Skin

When treating a rash at home, the most crucial action is to clean the affected area as soon as possible. Cleaning eliminates further infection and contains the spread of inflammation. To do this, wash the affected area with mild soap and warm water, but do not scrub as scrubbing will irritate the location and cause more irritation.

Once clean, you should pat the area dry, careful not to rub or put too much pressure on the skin infection. Leaving the area in the open air as much as possible is best for a more rapid healing process, rather than covering it with gauze or a bandage.


Treat Symptoms & Prevent Spread

To speed up the healing process of a rash, it is important not to irritate the condition and control the inflammation’s spread. Many children struggle with a rash because it requires a lot of self-control not to scratch an itchy rash.

You can press a cool, wet washcloth on the area to help with pain and itching. Some parents also take the approach of clipping fingernails or wearing gloves while sleeping to reduce the effect of scratching, which can make the rash worse. Wearing loose clothing over the area will also keep it protected and away from scratching fingers. It is also essential to avoid hot water in showers or baths, making the condition worse.

Over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl or topical hydrocortisone cream may also reduce itching and swelling symptoms when your child experiences a mild rash that is treatable at home.

When To Seek Medical Attention for a Rash

Many rashes can be treated at home, but you should contact a board-certified pediatrician
for treatment if you discover the following symptoms:

Rash does not improve over several days

Oval-shaped rash

Compromised immune system

Sore throat

Swelling in the face

Respiratory trouble


Virtual Appointment for Rash Treatment

You can always have on-demand access to Telemedicine rash visits so our pediatricians can quickly see your child. Regardless of a mild to severe rash, our kid doctors can diagnose the underlying skin condition and offer your child the best treatment possible. We provide accurate virtual rash appointments from anywhere, whenever it is convenient for you.


When you schedule a visit with our board-certified pediatricians, your family can receive equal access to rash appointments care for $0. We believe your entire household deserves access to pediatric urgent care visits at an affordable price.